Sunday, October 12, 2008

Miss Mossy Pond Goes Digital

A lot of the blogs and websites, be it myspace or facebook or something I've stumbled across, seem to have a good time sharing the things that they photograph..and I'm no different. I'm in no way a professional photographer, but I do love to take pictures. After me, pictures are memories captured for a lifetime. Memories to pass on, generation to generation. What a special gift that is.

I am unable to do a lot of things in this time in my life due to my disabilities, but thanks to the Good Lord, I can still hold a camera! I get such pleasure out of taking pictures of my pets, my flowers, mother nature..and I'm so thrilled when that pictures actually comes out good! lol

So, that being said..this is just a part of my blogging experience (yep, I'm still very new at that too), that I wanted to include and share. And though anyone is touched deeply by anyone who likes, and tells you they like your pictures...I do this for the pure pleasure it brings to me.

Happy Memory Making!
Miss Mossy Pond


May said...

Enjoying your blog - thank you for following it. I don't know how to follow one - tell me.

Glad you like my work, too. That dolphin is a "to die for" shot - one I wish I could have taken. I rarely get to the beach anymore.

Down here by the fishcamp.


MissMossyPond said...

Thank you so much for leaving me a comment! I was tickled! lol Being new..getting a comment is exciting (oh that lame? lol)

Following is easy..go to your dashboard..hit "add"..copy my blog's url and paste it into the add box. Believe me..I had to look it up to find out! lol

I'm glad you liked "Flipper"..I take lots of pictures, but that one was my favorite in a long time I think. As for the beach..we go "maybe" once a year! Living out here in the boonies as we do...well, the beach seems like it's more for tourists. We so prefer and enjoy our peace and quiet and Mother Nature.

Thanks again...
